Saturday, November 7, 2009

November 7, 2009

So, today I took the large format camera deeper into Savannah. I had my critique a few days ago and some of my classmates thought it would be a good idea to go to the "hood" hood to shoot some alley ways. I was up for it and thought it would be interesting so I went. I went deep past 36th street and into bernard, draughton, waters, etc. Trust me it was very hood. I did a few shots and everything was cool. I ever shot in some guys backyard and nooone said anything to me except some kid that said, "What's up?" as he ran to his mother. There were only two alleys that I liked, but overall, most of the alleys in the hood are just flat strips of gravel, dirt and leaves. There wasn't enough in there for me to shoot like in midtown and downtown (same thing really). Thanks guys, but I'll stick to the city.

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