Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Funny Old Men

So, I've decided to no longer take the train to work and walk. It's about a 3 or 4 mile walk to and from. It's a great exercise so I don't I save money. So I get to Phipps and I'm at a crossing and I'm waiting for the 'walk' signal to flash. The whole ti,e I'm walking up to this old guy with a walking stick. It wasn't a cane at all either, it was a walking stick for blind people, but the guy could see. It was one of those thin white poles, like Bob Barkers microphone thin. So I walk up to him and wait to cross the street. We both look at each other and I notice that we were both wearing Atlanta Braves hats. The material on his seemed as if it were an original and min was fairly new...I mean, it wasn't perfect, but there weren't any stain. So as always when I'm beside people, he started to talk to me:

Old Man: The car that passed in front of me asked me what the "A" on my hat stood for...

ME: (smiling) really?

Old Man: I told him "Asshole". HA! The guy said, 'You're right!'

ME: Wow, thats funny. I gotta use that one.

Old Man: I have an old hat from the Oakland A's that I wear, too.

ME: Yeah? Which one do you like better? I'm sure you're going to say the Braves hat, right?

Old Man: Yea...oh yea (smiles)

The 'walk' signal flashed as he kept talking, but I had to hurry and cross the street. I didn't want to be late for work.

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